Sunday 29 April 2012

rain, rain, go away.

On a horrible rainy day like today, I love nothing more than to stay inside as much as possible with some naughty snacks.

When I got home from seeing to the horses today, I immediately made a very extravagant, delicious hot chocolate...

Clipper Organic Chocolate Drink, a huge handful of Mini Marshmallows, topped with Whipped Cream and about 1/4 of a Wispa bar, grated . YUM.

I would love to be crafty today and make some bunting...but I have to leave anything fun like that until after exams (only 3 weeks until they are over!) Here is some that I made for my friend last year though:

Sorry for the bad quality - these photographs are off my phone.

I'm feeling very sorry for my horses today, in this weather. One of them is in her stable, and the other two have a field shelter though, so at least they don't have to be standing outside in the rain. I feel even more sorry for the wild ponies on the common though!!

Let's hope the sun decides to come out tomorrow :)


1 comment:

  1. I don't like when it rains too much

    love your blog. I followed you. I hope you can follow me back =)

